How To Register ?

  • Click Create An Account
  • Fill Data Completely
    • Input email using outlook email address
    • Minimum password length is 8. Password combination must contain uppercase, lowercase, and number.
  • Click button CREATE AN ACCOUNT

    Message :

    • You must confirm your account. Please check your email for the confirmation link or click herefor a new link.
    • Your account requires approval before you can log in.
  • Check Email Inbox & Click Confirm Your Account


How To Order ?

  • Click Sign In
  • Fill Email & Password, Click button SIGN IN
  • Click button ADD TO CART to buying item
  • Click Box Button & button PROCEED TO CHECKOUT
  • Fill Shipping Address
    • Please Fill Office Address

  • Click button NEXT
  • Click button PLACE ORDER
  • Check Your Order in Menu My Orders


Terms and Conditions

  • Browser Recommendations : Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge
  • Minimum Purchase Quantity is 3.
  • Items will be sent to the pick up location or destination requested, if the total order on the website has reached the quota (cubication of shipping box cars) for each mill
  • Items that have been ordered (checked out) can not be canceled or revised
  • Items that have been sent can not be canceled or returned (No Claim Based)
  • Delivery information, for delivery within 5 working days after the order is received (excluding holidays).